Sunday, February 3, 2008


In the front of my English/Indonesia dictionary I have written some simple words for reference:
Hospital - Rumah Sakit
Police - Polisi (that's an easy one)
Help - Bantuan
Thanks - Makasih
Selamat Datang - Welcome
Selamat Pagi - Good Morning
Good Evening - Selamat Malam
Friend - Teman
Good Friend - Bagus Teman
Help Margie, or Iain, if this is incorrect let me know. I would hate to be asking someone to marry me or be making a comment about their mother.


Among Worlds said...

Sounds like you have a good start on the language. You might want to ask about how to use "per...", "men..." and "mem..." at the beginning of verbs to understand how they change the tense (see below).
present: helps = bantuan
past: helped = pertolongan
past participle: helped = menolong
present participle: helping = membantu

How is that for your Indo language class? :-)

Larry said...

I tell you what. This is not that difficult of a language. Given a bit of time, I could take it down.