Tuesday, February 5, 2008


There are items which one doesn't even consider buying when planning such an outing. $6 cottages do not include a top sheet. So, Anna, Shannon, Mark (UK traveller, 31 years old, has been already 3 months on his way with 6 months ahead of him, and I search for internet sites and for me, a sarong. Anna keeps insisting that this item works as top sheet and all around cover, any diverse need I may have. I find one with a Batik print (Batik is a form of dyeing). It costs me 30000 rp=$3. A pair of sandals or thongs would be nice. But, none can be found over a size 8. We find an internet spot but there is no memory card reader to transfer my pictures. Maybe tomorrow! Clove is included in the cigarettes. We pass some drying on our walk.

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