Saturday, February 9, 2008

Pot Pourri

- The Batak homes are built on stilts so a water buffalo or pig can be corraled underneath. The interior of their homes are one big room. Everyone sleeps together.
- Motorbikes carry everything. There are eggs stacked in crates on the back, chickens hanging from the handle bars, 4-5 can ride (2 adults and 2 to 3 children squeezed between or in front of the driver.
- Some of the Medan street lights have lost their color. Only the position of the light details the action required.
- I am learning the horn language from short squeeks to long burst. Each has its message.
- If on the public bus and you want to exit, simply tap sharply on the railing, which runs the length of the bus, and the driver will let you off.
- Zippers may be my major worry. I use the zippers in my shirts most. If the bigger zippers in my backpack fail, I will think of it then.
- Learn the system. Each people has its own way of doing things. It works for them, as ours works for us. There isn't a good of bad. Just is! Learn it and you will be better served.

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