Friday, May 16, 2008

Pondicherry - Relaxing

Friday, May 16, 08
I am developing a behavioral pattern. My breakfast is 7:00, afterwards with a stop at a local, street-side vendor to watch him boil and work the process of handing me a glass of chai (tea). Then I return to collect my journal and whatever I need for the morning. Pulling up a chair in the hallway, the center of the 4 story building is open, a "courtyard" which extends from bottom to top, open to the sky, I can be in the little breeze which blows through. Here, the floor lady, the lady responsible for my laundry, room clean-up, brings me two cups of chai. These are small cups and are the best tea anywhere. The rest of the morning is most often out walking, talking with Milan, shopping for necessary things.

I have changed my mind. India is every bit as hot as Cambodia, or any place I've been. With my ceiling fan on full, I'm still sweating.
Every morning at 9:00, a tour group of 30 comes through Milan's shop, which is in an open basement under the Cottage Guest House. A long hallway is between the store and the small parking lot. From the hallway descend into the store through steps. Ceiling fans supply cooling. I have asked him for 3 more banians (undershirts) and another shirt with longer sleeves. The group of 30 wanders through picking up clothing, cosmetics, candles, carved trinkets and purses. they are on a tour of the Ashram. One day, I will also participate - not today. Milan leaves to help supervise the sales. I sit at his desk which is to the front of the store.
Correction: I see I have misspelled saree in the previous entry. And the tray and bowls at the Dining Room are not metal but either tin or pewter. I'm not good with such distinctions.
With plenty of time, I have purchased some reading material - Correspondence between Bede Griffiths and Amal Kiram. The 268 pages won't take long with the amount of time I'm spending alone.
Virtually all the clothing I have was washed, ironed and returned - 4 shirts, 2 t-shirts and 4 pairs of underwear. I'm smelling clean again.
Milan and I are working up a preliminary schedule for a trip out into the western part of Tamil Nadu, which is the state in which Pondicherry resides. Kodaikkanal has been chosen as our first stop.

1 comment:

Among Worlds said...

Hebron school's website is: and the site for Woodstock is:

I hope you get a chance to visit these places!
