Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Chennai to Pondicherry, India

Tuesday, May 13, 08
I have been aware of the fact that I may not like India. The congestion, throngs of people, may get to me. It still may, and most likely at times will. But, I like India. The warmth and genuine friendliness is contagious and enjoyable. Immediately apparent is the lack of women in positions which I have so far seen them and expect them - receptionists, servers, store clerks. Men occupy them. Having only been here for less than 12 hours, I could be making a snap judgment.
It is 7:45 AM and sitting in a restaurant attached to the hotel, a cup of coffee for breakfast, I see that across the narrow street is a sign - Regal Cafe - High Class - Vegetarian restaurant, the sign reads. Then the price; Meals - 25 Rupees.
Milan arrives, as he said he would, at 10:30. He has hired a taxi and we begin that awkward state of entry talk. Stopping for lunch after an hour, we have come fish and chicken curry over rice with a lemon drink. Two hours later, we enter Pondicherry, I retrieve some money from an ATM, and am here at the International Guest House, part of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram complex. My room is on the third floor, #71, which I will occupy for some time at 200 ($5) rupee/night. If I choose to eat at the Ashram, three meals a day will be 20 rupee ($.50). Off to work, Milan will return around 6:00, when the heat has lessened, and we will walk the area around my guest house. I have made the decision to call this home for a space of time. Having traveled hard for the past month, my body and psyche need a rest. This is the place for such. With 2 months, Milan and I are planning some extensive trips exploring South India.

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