Friday, May 23, 2008

New Friends and Re-stocking

Friday, May 23, 08
A robin sized bird has taken a liking to me. Early morning, he greets me with a prolonged and loud call. With his dark colored body, white under wings with a yellow beak and yellow under his eyes, he drinks nectar from the flowers of the frangipani tree near my window. Except for the hottest part of the day, he is there, sometimes joined by his neighbors. Also, a crow has been coming to my open window, open when it isn't the hottest, and brings me flowers. Cawing loudly he beckons me to his gift. Across the way, two men search a large mango tree for today's ripe harvest.
Two assignments: One to be completed today and the other tomorrow.
Having scratched my glasses during the most rowdy parts of the trip, I need new lenses. Yet, to replace the lenses means to part with my glasses - that isn't even a possibility. Milan has been telling me that the Ashram is self-sufficient. He's right. There's an eye clinic. Having my eyes tested, it's been 2 years since my last eye exam, I find that my eyes have slightly changed. With a paper from the examiner, I head to Optical Center, a store on Gandhi street about 5 blocks walking. The paper ensures that I will receive the Ashram price for new frames and lenses and not have to negotiate with them. I choose frames and ask for Verilux lenses with UV protection. Everything is checked, distance between eyes and those sorts of things, and I'll have them one week from now.
The other issue is, putting a package together for mailing, deciding what must stay and what must go. Again, it is the Ashram that will package it and see to the mailing. I will be saying good-bye to some of my clothes which have faithfully served me thus far. But, my lighter shirts are stained beyond cleaning and my rusty red ones are threadbare. The continual wear on fabric from carrying a backpack shows. I know, why send clothes home which are worn out? I can't bear to part with them! Not now. Also, I will send back my long shorts purchased in Bangkok. Four Indian outfits have already been purchased and will take me the rest of the way. Pictures tomorrow, hopefully.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Sounds like you're really liking India. I hope your trip is really giving you the things you wanted as you planned it. The journey, the quest - it really is an archetype.