Monday, June 2, 2008

Same ole, Same ole

Monday, June 2, 08
How lazy can I get? That appears to be the predominant question for the past several days, possibly longer. Take this morning, for instance. I slept in to 6:45, quickly showered and threw on some clothes, and walked the 2 blocks to the Dining Hall. That done, I stop at the chai maker for a tea and paper, walk up the 3 flights of stairs to my room #71, and pull a chair out to the courtyard, this is an open space in the interior of the building all the way through, top to bottom, a palm tree grows out the top. The floor lady brings me my second dose of chai. I journal and scan the paper. On to my room to listen to music and read till 9:30, I take a cooling shower and walk out along Nehru Street for an hour. Milan and I meet at his desk, where one of his employees brings me a coffee, and we talk. The conversation turns to our upcoming trip into the hills. Tomorrow, we will book a room and Wednesday begin what possibly could be a 10 day vacation into Kodaikanal and beyond. Lunch follows, with me again spending the afternoon resting, reading, and listening to music. At 4:00, I return to see Milan, for 10 minutes at his work, and walk on to, an internet cafe several blocks south.
Every late afternoon and into the evening, I take a several hour walk along the waterfront people watching.
With such limited activity, I have been opting to take dinner in my room, several mangoes and several oranges, valencias from California.
So, that's the day. It's a good change.

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