Sunday, April 13, 2008


Backpack Packing - I am carrying two packs - a larger, stable and strongly built, in which I have 12 kg (convert pounds to kilos by multiplying times 2.2). A smaller day pack worn in the front contains 5 kg. That is my load, 17 kg.
Melanie, 19 yr old German girl, who I rode with from Singapore to Melaka, has a large pack, almost identical to mine, with 19 kg. Her day pack weighs 9 kg and a purse packs 4 kg. Her total carrying load is 32 kg. She was complaining.
John Peatman has one pack, slightly smaller than my large pack, in which he is carrying 7 kg. That's it! Yet, his trip is much shorter than mine. I packed differently - more medicines, a jacket, towel ...
New Experience - In Singapore and Melaka there has been a different type of toilet. The outer dimensions are the same as ours back in the States. But, they flush by pumping the handle creating a suction which draws the water out of the tank and into the bowl.
Unnoticed - Unlike PNG where the locals peered and gawked at the White skin, Malaysia doesn't give me a second glance. Also, here I am not a White skin but a Westerner. That's a much different feeling. Story - When Bill Simpson and I stopped for fuel and a bite in the Ramu Valley, we entered a small place where several tables were available for customers. Around 30 PNGians, all ages, crowded around to see what we were doing. Suddenly, the madam in charge yelled at the gawkers, "What, are you primitives? Do you have to stare at these people." The crowd thinned, mostly young children were chased off.

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