Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Palembang, Sumatra

As the plane landed it felt again, familiar. More so than in Jakarta-not so much modernity. We pull out our carryons from the storage bins, ready to deplane, when I hear, behind me, a man is humming, "What a wonderful world."
Here I am Mr. Larry, with a rolled R. The only Caucasian on the plane, maybe that's what felt familiar.
Pelambang at a glance:
-lane lines are only a suggestion.
-it reminds me of Kikwit, Congo, but less "color" and much more pavement. Much more modern.
-motorcycles buzz in and out while a boy with sorrowful eyes begs when cars stop at a sign. Not all cars, obviously I am a foreigner.
I like Palembang. I'm willing to admit, however, it may be the jet lag talking. 27 hours in flight or airports puts one in a particular mood.
Doug and Vivian Sunda are my hosts. First things first, a SIM card for my Stateside phone so I can keep in touch with them. It also allows me to call Iain in Jayapura and bring him along with my plans. There will need to be some corrections made on my itinerary since I was allowed only a 30 day visa-I needed a 60 day visa. Doug will help me with that detail. He is an engineer who works for a power plant locally. Dinner was a fried egg over fried rice, a few veggies, and a beer, or two. Then, off to change some money into rupiah-$1=9,100 rupiah.


Among Worlds said...


Soooooooo glad to hear you are in Pelambang - safe and sound...well...ok, not sure about the sound (mind) part! :-)

Give Doug & Vivian my best!

Did you remember the gift for Doug?

Beth said...

Hey - Larry - glad to see you've gotten off to a good start. Godspeed with the rest of the trip. I can feel the echos of your words in what we did just a few weeks ago. Wish I was on a similar quest.


Michael Steeves said...

Larry, great to see your posts! Margie dropped the blog URL on MK-Issues. You have just whetted my appetite for more great descriptions.
